Rutgers - School of Law, Newark
<< Rutgers Law Record(1)
|| Rutgers Law Record (2)
- Rutgers Law Record, Vol.
VIII, No.1 (September 1978), pages 1 and 7 (8.25 in x 10.75 in)
(Articles “Welcome to 15 Washington Street” and “Doing
battle with Bakke”)
- Rutgers Law Record, Vol.
IX, No.5 (May 1, 1980), pages 1 and 11 (8.25 in x 10.75 in)
(Articles “Doherty still in the courts” and “Clinic
needs legal aid”)
- Rutgers Law Record,
Vol. XIV, No.3 (November 1984), pages 1, 3, and 5 (11 in x 17 in)
(Includes articles “Students take to streets to protest Army,
Navy recruiting bias” and
“Rutgers grad among ‘NY 8'”)